
ION Titanium Bolt Action Pen

Created by Dapper Design

Sleek premium writing instrument. Available in stonewashed titanium and matte black aluminum. Works with most parker style refills.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

ION Bolt Action Pen campaign funding complete! What's next?
over 1 year ago – Sun, Nov 06, 2022 at 06:12:32 AM

Hey Backers,


Our ION pen campaign closed with 441 backers and $35,375 in pledges! 🤗

Interesting Fun Fact: Our very first Kickstarter campaign that we launched back in 2013 ended with exactly 441 backers as well! If that project didn't get funded, we probably would not be on Kickstarter today. Thank you, Kickstarter platform, Kickstarter staff, and of course the backers!


Kickstarter is going to need two weeks to collect pledges. Once all the funds are collected they will release it to us. We will then be able to pay our manufacturing partners the remaining balances due for ION pens and accessories. During the two week collection phase, we will be working on our BackerKit Survey & Pre-Order store where you will be able to confirm your pledge reward, purchase add-ons (e.g. additional pens, shipping upgrades, and other Dapper Design products, etc.) You will also provide us your shipping address so we know where to send your package and pay the standard shipping fees as we mentioned in the campaign details.

We will be sending out BackerKit invitations, as well as post a Backer Update with instructions on how to use BackerKit in about 3 weeks.


For those backers who pledged on the "$99 Choose Any Two Pens" we would really appreciate your help at this time. In order to help speed up manufacturing, we will be sending out a Kickstarter Survey (this is different than the BackerKit Survey; consider this the pre-survey!) where you can tell us which two pens you want. Your answers here are not final (you can always change your mind later on BackerKit because BackerKit will be the final official survey) but it will help us forecast and produce the right quantities of your pens in advance (potentially saving around 2 to 3 weeks of manufacturing time which everyone benefits from). Please answer to the best of your knowledge, which pens you plan to choose. Everyone is counting on your participation! 😜🙏


After our REKT knife project, we have been wanting to create a more "premium" and "high-end" titanium pocket knife. If you backed our REKT project we plan to send out a survey on the REKT project updates in the next couple of days to get feedback from you. We want our backers to tell us what they consider a "high end" knife is and what design elements that will entail and at what pricing point. Your help on this will be awesome! Stay tuned for a backer update on that page in the near future.


We thank you for continued patience and support. If you need to get into contact with us please use the Kickstarter messaging service and we will try our best to get back to you in a timely manner. Please note, we are a home-based family business and we've got a newborn 👶🍼 that has taken up a good amount of our already limited time, so we are asking for a bit of extra time getting back to everyone. 🙏


Please consider following us on Instagram and be the first to know what we're up to! @dapperdesignedc and soon to come @epicforged


Lastly, feel free to check out our website for other Dapper Design products here.

Thank you!

Aaron, Yoshimi, & Elijah

New team member + FREE flat caps!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 08:03:11 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

$25,000 Stretch Goal UNLOCKED!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Oct 13, 2022 at 02:55:23 AM

Hey Backers,

We did it!

We met our first stretch goal of $25,000! This means each pen will come with green glow-in-the-dark vials installed into the cap for FREE!

Blue and green vials shown here. Each pen will now come standard with 6 green installed.

The reason we chose green is because it is the brightest of the other colors and also it's Kickstarter's company color! 😉 But, if you are not a fan of the green vials, we will have red and blue vials as well available as a low cost add-ons at the end of the campaign.

$50,000 Stretch Goal - LOCKED

The next stretch goal of $50,000 will mean each pen will come with an additional flat cap accessory. You will be able switch out between the tritium cap or the flat cap at your convenience. We think it is definitely attainable considering we've still got 3 weeks to go but we are going to need your continued support and to help spread the word of our project. 🙏

We are excited to see what happens over the next couple of weeks and we hope you are too! We will be back again soon when we have more news to share.

Thank you!

Attention who pledged on "Choose ANY TWO pens" Please help...
over 1 year ago – Sat, Oct 08, 2022 at 12:44:11 AM

Hey Backers,

In order to for us get a better idea of how many pens we will need to make to fulfill rewards, we are asking backers who pledged on the "Choose ANY TWO pens" to let us know which two pens you're planning to select at the end of the campaign on the BackerKit Survey. 

By sharing your choices with us right now, we can use the statistics to help us make a better forecast before it's time to mass produce the pens. Since there are approx. 100 backers in this group so far, your help now can ultimately mean faster reward delivery for everyone later.

Please take a moment to visit our online poll here:

Your help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

Incredible start! Let's talk about stretch goals
over 1 year ago – Wed, Oct 05, 2022 at 02:56:12 AM

Hey Backers,

What an incredible first day!

With the love and support of 185 backers we reached over $14,000 in just 12 hours! We are thankful to have your support for our new ION Bolt Action Pen. 🤗

Stretch Goals

As mentioned in the campaign there are two main stretch goals we are hoping to hit. First, we want to include six (6) Green Glow-in-the-Dark vials pre-installed into each pen for FREE! This should be easy to attain because we can make it happen when we reach $25,000 in pledges.

The second stretch goal would be to make and give everyone a Flat Cap accessory. Not everyone wants the tritium cap, we get it. Some of you want the pen to be a bit more streamlined and shorter in length. Well, this nifty little flat cap will do just that. Essentially, it will look like the current cap but without the tritium slots and because there is no need to hold tritium vials, it will be shorter and flat so the overall length of the pen will be reduced by approx. 5mm to 6mm when you swap out the caps. It also makes the pocket clip ride closer to the end which makes it a "deep pocket clip". 

So, if we can reach $50,000 in pledges, the Flat Cap will be given for FREE! The flat cap is going to be an all new standalone part. You will be receiving both the flat cap and the tritium cap.

With that being said, let's shoot for these new milestones and let's make these gifts a reality! Please consider sharing our project to your friends, family, and co-workers.

We are on Instagram

If you have an instagram account please consider following us:

Our Online Store

If you have missed any of our previous Kickstarter projects, you can find some of those products now IN-STOCK and shipping from our company website. Please visit our store here:

Thank you!